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English Corner 20191115 | chenzuoli's blog

English Corner 20191115

    When you enter this article, I think you are interested in English, or you are good at English. So I will tell you a good story you may like to you, check it out below.

    I am learning English Speaking, really love it, so I find a English Corner activity in the RenMin University whick is organized every Friday evening. If you are in Beijing, it’s best place for you to practive English speaking I have ever found.

    I met an interesting group which was consist of some teachers and some kids yesterday, these students were really exciting about the homework the teacher give them, the homework was selling the homemade coffee to other person who they didn’t know each other like me in the activiy.

    Firstly, they gave one coin to us who wanted to join this game for buying the coffee from their kids, actually the coin was not real RMB coin, but I was late for the game, so I didn’t have one game coin.

    When I went there, the game was started, I saw them practicing the game, every kid was trying to sell the hot coffee to the teacher one by one, I found that they were so cute, and the announce, the fluent of speaking was out of my expectation, but some of them was a little not, though, it doesn’t matter for them to sell the coffee. when one kid sold one cup of coffee to another one, there were applauses for him or her, in my opinion, it’s hilarious effective and meaningful for them. That’s the second round.

    The third step was selling hot Nest Coffee to us they didn’t know, I didn’t know how long it passed, I still talked with my partner who I met the second time, this guy is an Artificial Intelligence engineer in TsingHua University, he is a little fluent in English, and love his job, these days, he is annoying about his kids always messing the room up, he said there also were some interesting and happy things happening about his family, though. I said It’s great, lol.

    Time flied, one kid came to us suddenly, he talked to my partner: Hello, do you want a coffee? then they had a conversation and I just stood there to hear their words, my partner just had some questions about personal information and the school life for him, and gave him the coin, said goodbye to each other politely.

    And then, we talked about the game, the kids, and other things, another student came to me, and said: Hello, your friend have a coffee, I think you want a coffee too, do you want a coffee? So here was my conversation with the kid.

    I asked some information about the coffee to make sure the coffee is drinkable or is hot or not, I knew the coffee is drinkable, just made some conversation with him in english, actually his english is better than me. Then, I had some another questions, talked about his school life and the courses on school, he said that he had seven projects named chinese, math, english, history, biology, physics and politics, he just didn’t know how to say the politics, wow, it’s enough for the 9 years old kid. We also talked about the beijing’s weather and the difference between the chinese school and the foreign school, he likes chinese school.

    Any way, he asked a final question: So do you want a coffee? I said yes, but I don’t have a game coin, do you support Wechat pay or Alipay? He said yes, wow, that’s great, then he showed me the wechat code, and I scaned him, but there was some problem about the payment, he showed me the add friend code, so I taught him the way. In this situation, his teacher noticed it, and stood there seeing the whole operation for safety. Final he knew what we were doing, and corrected him that this was a game, he should not sell me the coffee for the real money, just gave him one game coin for the reward. haha, it’s really funny, I thought it’s ok to buy one coffee with two yuan and spoke with him in english, also meaningful for me. Finally I said goodbye to them and smiled, lol.

    I finished the talk, and have a break thinking about the funny game. Then I found another partner who is a mechanical robot engineer, he has gone aboard for working months, and told me about the foreign life, I really like the talk, let me know the life in UK and the difference between China and UK, I learned much.

    Wow, there are so many high educational people in this activity, last few times, I just met some fresh students in this university and other english lover came from other place, there is saler, sciencist, teacher and guard and so on. You can communciate with everyone here, and they are friendly and always talking, it’s so realx after the work. If you want it, just come with me, do it.

    It’s really wonderful day, see you next time.

You should force yourself to do the thing that your heart think is right.




